Monday, May 24, 2010


Have you heard of this site? I just recently heard of it and registered 2 months ago. It is a search engine site with other things of interest, but the main thing is internet searching. When you search the internet, you can win "swagbucks" which can then be turned into some awesome prizes. So far, I have been able to snag 2 $5 gift cards. I am just throwing them into my Amazon account, and will use them at Christmas time. Hey, I am on the computer anyway searching for things...why not get "paid" to do it. Every little bit helps.

If you would like to sign up, you can go here.


mnmsalyer said...

I haven't done Swagbucks, but an online friend loves them. I have a little thing I do through Inboxdollars. Like you said, every little bit helps.